Monday, August 10, 2009

Please vote for her

Just helping friend to promote, hope that everyone can support:
1.go to - community
3.registered here - community for me - droolotte
6. go into my profile , go down till you see video, rate 5 stars
Wish her best to get top ranking in this award lar...

personal recommendation, SHE IS SEXY AND AWESOME

Monday, July 6, 2009


I am supremely anger right now, elder sister share my line by using wifi for non effective purpose, play online-games, use watch idiot programs, and much more….


MSN also using webcam, what a nuts…..

I swear start from tomorrow morning, will directly change all my router encryption code and password, and even reset my router also useless (disabled the factory setting mode)

If she wants to use, at least paid me 25 percent of the payment. Otherwise, she opens a new account for herself…

Always said me play games, what a nuts, people learning programming also say play games…

All streamyx payment is pay by my own money since 2006, she just start using the PC since last month, already mess up my whole network….


Friday, June 12, 2009

The day I dont want to remember....

Well, more than a months no update this blog, now got something to write.

12 June, my birthday, whenever every year come into this day, I really hope that can pass through faster, because I REALLY HATE THIS DATE.

I always remember my birthday due to thanks for my mum born me into this world. But I hate it due to I am always such like BORN TO BE INVISIBLE in this world.

Yes, I am existing in this world, but I am such like an unidentified person in this world too. I only have difference compare to those poverty kid in Africa is I got my family and home. Other than that, I am such like them. Besides, I am also such like a soul with a body shape. That's it.

Even people wishing me happy birthday, I feel like nothing at all. This kind of no celebration birthday I already pass through more than 20 times. I am not to said I am emotional, but try to understand, a man live in this world such like invisible. It is really incredible and unbelievable.

I don't know what to do now, Even people who wish me Happy Belated Birthday, I will only answer Hmmm....(because already meaningless at all).

So, What I can do...... I really don't know......Coz even today I also need to work....and somemore work under bad mood.....

Fine, thats all I can said......I really hope that my birthday can be remembered in future

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The one who I dream of...

Well, In this world, there are lots of different kind of people (either gentle or lady),
They can be pretty like Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba or even Scarlet Johanson, and handsome
like Josh Harnett, Orlando Bloom or even Zack Efron.Thus, whoever they are, they are celebrities,
movie stars. In my life, exactly is quite hard to find anyone of them in that kind.
As for me, they are brilliant in their life, and they are too famous. Without any VIP status, is really hard
to recognise them to be their friend.

The one who I dream of is quite special, too pretty face normally will made them to be charming, but at
the same time become arrorgant at the end. Therefore, I love those people who are normal nice looking,
have personal characteristic which will attract people to know more about them. Well, of course, if one of them (lady)
can be my soulmate in my life will be my 'bonus' that I dream of.

When I was working near 1 year time, I found out a book very famous at that time "THE SECRET", in one of the
chapter, it have mentioned that "If we always think that we are unable to have our dream of person, you will become like an ostrich,
only know to hide when you meet someone who are pretty or handsome, which made us feel like being discrimated."
Because of this word, awake me from the darkness in a deephole of mind. Why not have a change like Ballack Obama said:
"Change for what we want to be".

Thus, the one who I dream of, certain condition as above I have been mentioned, like Ballack Obama, he is a self-confidence person,
like Scarlet Johanson, knowledgable and self-esteem person, like Zack Efron, always cheer up people feeling and etc. People like them
are young, charming, and really special. I really hope that in my life, I have the chance to meet this kind of people to be my friend or
even my soulmate.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ruummate, come over to join!!!

Hoho, really long time no writing any new post in my blog. Don't blame me due to I was busy on working and study, that's y no new post at all this recent weeks...

Anyway, one new thing found in the town was this so called ruumzmate, it sounds like quite special, due to it open some special features.

So, what are you waiting for, just come and join, and may get fantastic prizes...

I will added a link at my page. So, once you see this post, you can Join Me under the same network...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wow,The red hot New Ferrari come into Pavilion!!!

This is the Ferrari that show in Pavilion main entrance, absolutely brilliant!!! The sharpness red color (I use my handphone to take the picture, so may be the color not so clear). Anyway, must go to Pavilion have a look, really worth!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Angel and Devil

The rise of life,

Suchlike an angel;

The fall of life,

Suchlike a devil.

Angels always bring happiness,

Joyful, health and wealth;

Devils always bring sorrow,

Anger, illness and poverty.

Human beings always know about enjoyment;

Meanwhile, always forget their origin;

Whenever happened any incident,

They just unleashed the basic instinct.

Wars, criminals, disease and poverty,

Are made by human beings;

Earthquake, hurricane, tsunami and others,

Are made by natural disaster.

Our earth can be same as heaven,

If human beings appreciate their current life;

Our earth can be same as hell,

If human beings try to destroy the motherland.

Angels stay in heaven,

Human beings can do so;

Devils stay in hell,

Human beings also can do so.

Double side of human personality,

Will show angel and devil inside human heart.

Monday, March 23, 2009

part time job in EPI CENTRE Pavillion

Ok, after happen on the bad incidents, looks like my luck was change into better.

Yup, exactly, because I have start my part time job since last friday, working as a part timer in EPI CENTRE (Apple Premium Reseller) in Pavillion. I choose to work in this place is because this place is a good environment to learn a lots of things. Such as interactive skills with customers, product knowledge, learning some new gadgets and much more!

At the first day, i was nearly lost in sales figures (that will be horrible after stand there more than 6 hours without any returns!!!). Finally, at least I have open 3 bills , near RM 1,000 value in that night.

Well, it seems to be funny what i mention now, but I can tell you all that MAC OS X leopard or even other Apple Product are not really MOSNTERs that uncontrollable. It just that not as popular as our common-used of Windows Application.

Therefore from now on, I will take some idle time to mention about some new gadgets on the Apple Product in following post.

Anyway, since Maxis and Apple have been collaborated in a project for the Iphone 3G, so below is the link can have a review if you all interested to get 1 unit of this latest and hottest gadget in the town!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

oh gosh!!! AGAIN.....

This few days feel really dizzy...NO... Actually, it should be said start from last 2 weeks I felt very DIZZY!!!...

All of these was happened when I was just finished my final day of 1st term examination. I thought that when I reached to my home, I could enjoyed to listen my latest downloaded album (a UK singer, some sort like Craig David style, but not like Shayne Ward). So, at the morning, I did not switch off my PC due to this reason.

But somehow, weird thing was happened, my PC was shut down as well at that moment. So, I started suspect on my Power Supply, but I test it, it works. When I open the cover of casing, I have smell a very deep burned smelly, I suddenly remembered that: OMG, DON'T TELL ME THAT IS THE MOTHERBOARD BURNED? I REALLY DESPERATELY NEED TO KEEP MY SAVING FOR LONG TERM...I REALLY DON'T WANT TO SPEND ANY COST ON MY PC ANYMORE....

So, I sent over to my friend's house, due to he has all the equipment for testing and modify. When I just opened the cover, he already mentioned: GOSH, so heavily smell, let me checked your motherboard.

After few minutes, it really CERTIFIED SPOILT!!! OMG, really need to spend money, why my luck is so bad....... due to the time is not allowed me to buy a new motherboard, I decided to wait for a week (fortunately that week is very free, nothing much to do...)

So, last friday, I have decided to buy the new motherboard with another new power supply (for long term protection), and sent over my motherboard to claim the warranty.

I thought that everything can go smoothers. However, weird thing was happened AGAIN!!!

And this time, I really don't know whats' going on as well...I have no choice, and called my friend to fetch me went over to Low Yat Plaza, sent over my whole PC to let their technician to have a check, need another 3 days.

All of this mess my life undeniedably. Now I hope that every parts in my PC can be work without any replacement...